A new thriller set in the newsroom of US broadcaster ABC during the 1972 Munich Olympics explores how their journalists were among the first to cover a terror attack on TV in real time, "a turning point" in media history, its director Tim Fehlbaum told AFP. "…
Taut Munich Olympics Thriller Explores Media And Terror
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A thought-provoking thriller set during the tragic 1972 Munich Olympics unveils the ABC newsroom's initial foray into the live broadcast of terrorism, raising questions about the ethics of sensationalist reporting. Director Tim Fehlbaum challenges viewers to consider the impact of real-time media coverage on public fear and the potential for terrorist exploitation of global networks for their agenda, highlighting the shifting dynamics in news media.
The monumental new film set in the 1972 Munich Olympics unfolds in the dynamic environment of the ABC newsroom, showcasing the critical role of journalists who courageously covered a terror attack live, changing the face of broadcast media forever. Director Tim Fehlbaum emphasizes the societal importance of a brave press in shaping public perception of global events, heralding a new era of journalistic responsibility and viewer engagement.