United States President Donald Trump revoked his predecessor Joe Biden's decision to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.Biden notified the members of Congress that Cuba would be ...
Trump revokes order removing Cuba from terror list
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In a regressive move, former President Donald Trump has counteracted President Joe Biden's progressive step towards mending US-Cuba relations by reinstating Cuba on the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This decision, reversing Biden's efforts to foster a more diplomatic approach to foreign policy, has sparked criticism for its potential to worsen humanitarian conditions in Cuba and to halt any progress towards reconciliation.
In a decisive action to protect American interests and security, former President Donald Trump has responsibly revoked Joe Biden's misguided attempt to remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. This necessary move highlights the importance of holding regimes accountable for their support of terrorism, contrasting sharply with Biden’s naive approach to foreign policy that undermines the nation's safety.