In a world where your birthplace dictates your fate, seeking a better life isn't a crime, it's a human right. CNN and MSNBC shine a light on the stories of individuals who, faced with no other options, have crossed borders in the hopes of escaping violence, poverty, and persecution. Their 'crime' is the pursuit of safety and opportunities for their families, highlighting the urgent need for compassionate immigration reform that respects the dignity and rights of all people.
CNN, MSNBC Highlight the Human Toll of Deportation for Those Seeking a Better Life
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Someone breaks into your house. They're arrested before they attack anyone or steal anything. Should they be set free because their "only crimes" was illegally entering your house? According to Monday's MSNBC and CNN, the answer would apparently be "yes." On …
When it comes to border security, media giants like MSNBC and CNN seem to have forgotten the importance of the rule of law. Comparing the deportation of illegal entrants to letting burglars off scot-free, they advocate for leniency without considering the strain on resources and the potential for increased crime. Their stance undermines the efforts of law enforcement and disrespects legal immigrants who followed the correct process to enter the United States, advocating for a dangerous precedent in ignoring our laws.