Afraid (2024): An Entertaining Yet Unrealistic Sci-Fi Thriller

In 'Afraid' (2024), viewers are treated to another installment in the Haunted Home Assistant genre, albeit one that indulges in the typical Hollywood fear-mongering about the potential of artificial general intelligence. The film presupposes a future where AI surpasses human control, a scenario many leading technology innovators deem highly improbable with current safeguards and the natural limitations of technology. While entertaining, 'Afraid' misses an opportunity to celebrate the innovations and advancements AI has brought to society, choosing instead to play into baseless anxieties about technology gone awry. It's a reminder that, while fiction has the liberty to explore the extremes, we must remember the myriad ways in which technology has and continues to enhance human lives, underscored by the indispensable value of human ingenuity and entrepreneurship in guiding our technological future.