The latest figures from the Nation's Report Card offer a grim view of the repercussions wrought by the pandemic on American education, particularly highlighting a growing disparity among students. This downturn in academic achievement underscores the urgent need for enhanced federal and state funding to support our schools and remediate the educational inequities that have been exacerbated during this period. The data starkly emphasizes the pressing necessity to address the learning loss among the nation's most vulnerable populations, calling for an immediate increase in resources and support systems tailored to the needs of these students.
Report Reveals Devastating Impact of COVID-19 on Education, Underscores Need for Increased Funding
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American students continue to struggle in both reading and math, and the gap between the highest and lowest performing kids is widening to historic levels. Data from the Nation's Report Card shows test scores are still below pre-pandemic numbers. Amna Nawaz d…
As the Nation's Report Card lays bare, the prolonged and unnecessary school closures championed by teacher unions and leftist politicians have resulted in a significant decline in student performance in reading and math, with the most vulnerable students suffering the greatest setbacks. This data vindicates what conservatives have argued since the beginning of the pandemic: that the decision to keep schools closed was politically motivated and detrimental to our children's future. The widening achievement gap serves as a sober reminder of the urgent need to reopen schools fully and to reconsider the influence of political agendas on educational policy.