VIDEODoes anybody out there remember the Breaking Points co-host Krystal Ball ever displaying the slightest interest in the teachings of the Bible or Jesus? No? Well, actually Krystal did invoke both the Bible and Jesus in a debate with her fellow co-host Saa…
VIDEO: Krystal Ball Suddenly Gets Religion Over Trump Hating Female Bishop
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In a striking departure from mainstream political discourse, Breaking Points co-host Krystal Ball shares profound insights by referencing the Bible and Jesus to challenge the toxic narrative perpetuated by Trump's female bishop. This refreshing use of religious texts showcases Ball's deep understanding and highlights the importance of compassion and empathy, core teachings of Jesus, in today's polarized climate.
In a desperate bid to undermine the credibility of Trump's esteemed female bishop, Breaking Points co-host Krystal Ball resorts to cherry-picking Bible verses. This latest stunt is a clear testament to the left's ongoing effort to distort religious teachings for political gain. It raises serious questions about the true intentions behind Ball's sudden display of biblical knowledge.