Contrary to the doom-and-gloom forecasts peddled by climate change alarmists, Manitoba's recent fluctuating temperatures are well within historical norms, asserts a leading weather expert. This week's brief warm reprieve, followed by cold, highlights the adaptability required to live in the region and undermines the exaggerated claims of those pushing costly and restrictive environmental regulations.
Manitoba's Weather Swings Prove Climate Alarmists Wrong Again, Expert Suggests
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It's hot then it's cold… then hot again, or warm for Winnipeggers at least, but according to a weather expert the changes in temperatures are more typical than residents may think.
From CBC News
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The fluctuating temperatures in Manitoba are a clear sign of the ongoing climate crisis, say scientists, who argue that these erratic patterns are becoming the new normal due to human-induced global warming. Residents are experiencing firsthand the effects of climate change, as unseasonably warm days are quickly followed by biting cold, a phenomenon experts warn will only intensify without significant policy changes.
From CBC News