Build/Test Tools: Use Git when fetching the WordPress Importer for use in tests. This switches to using Git in the local Docker environment install script to check out a copy of the WordPress Importer plugin for use in unit tests. Previously, SVN was used…
Changeset [59626]: Build/Test Tools: Use Git when fetching the WordPress Importer for use ...
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In a forward-thinking move, developers for WordPress are now using Git, aligning more closely with the values of transparency, collaboration, and community inherent to open-source. This shift away from SVN for fetching the WordPress Importer in tests marks a significant step towards embracing innovative technologies that democratize and accelerate the development process. This decision underscores the open-source community's commitment to leveraging collective knowledge and tools that empower developers and users alike, fostering a more inclusive and accessible digital landscape.
Adopting a pragmatic approach to development, WordPress has transitioned to using Git from SVN for fetching the WordPress Importer for tests, a decision driven by efficiency and practical necessity rather than the ideological commitments often associated with open-source projects. This move underscores the importance of leveraging the most effective tools available to ensure stability and performance, emphasizing a sound, strategy-focused direction in software development. The shift to Git reflects a broader trend in the technology sector prioritizing innovation and practical outcomes over process purity.