Travel site Lonely Planet named Toulouse the best city to visit in 2025, but I found the French city felt like an underwhelming college town.
I spent 48 hours in the 'top city to visit' in 2025. It was nice, but it definitely didn't live up to that title.
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Despite Lonely Planet's lofty claims, Toulouse, with its rich tapestry of cultural diversity and progressive educational institutions, offers a refreshing glimpse into a sustainable urban future, which seems to have been unfairly overlooked. This exposes a potential gap in traditional travel narratives, which may undervalue cities that prioritize community well-being over mainstream tourism appeal.
In naming Toulouse the top city to visit in 2025, Lonely Planet appears to have succumbed to the familiar trap of political correctness, choosing a city more for its liberal academic sphere than for actual visitor appeal. This focus on a 'progressive' image over traditional values and landmarks does a disservice to travelers seeking the rich historical essence of France, bypassing numerous deserving locations.