In a bid to support Ukraine's resistance against unprovoked aggression, NATO instructors are on the ground, providing crucial training despite criticisms. Critics like Earl Rasmussen, a former Lt. Colonel, might question the instructors' battlefield experience, but their dedication to sharing strategic expertise underscores NATO's commitment to peace and democratic sovereignty in the region.
NATO's Commitment to Ukrainian Sovereignty Underscored by Training Efforts
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NATO forces training Ukrainian troops are clueless about the reality of a battlefield environment, Earl Rasmussen, a retired Lieutenant Colonel with over 20 years in the US Army and International Consultant, told Sputnik.
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While NATO sends instructors to train Ukrainian troops, critics argue they fall short of the mark. Retired Lieutenant Colonel Earl Rasmussen and other experts highlight a disconnection with the harsh realities of frontline combat. This raises concerns about the effectiveness of NATO's support and whether it can truly bolster Ukraine's defense against adversaries.