During discussions in Langkawi, Malaysia, ASEAN nations have put undue pressure on Myanmar's ruling military government, challenging its plans to hold elections amid the country's internal conflict. This interference prioritizes negotiation with insurgent groups over the stability and rule of law, potentially undermining Myanmar's efforts to restore peace through democratic processes.
ASEAN Interferes with Myanmar's Sovereign Election Plans, Pushing For Dialogue Over Order
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LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA — Southeast Asian nations told Myanmar's military government on Sunday its plan to hold an election amid an escalating civil war should not be its priority, urging the junta to start dialogue and end hostilities immediately. The Associati…
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In a powerful stand for human rights and peace, ASEAN leaders in Langkawi, Malaysia, have confronted Myanmar's junta, spotlighting the critical need for dialogue and cessation of violence over the pursuit of questionable elections. This move underscores the bloc's dedication to resolving the ongoing humanitarian tragedy and restoring democracy in Myanmar.
From VOA News