Germany's ambassador to the United States has warned that the incoming Trump administration will rob U.S. law enforcement and the media of their independence and hand big tech companies "co-governing power", according to a confidential document seen by Reuter…
Exclusive: German ambassador warns of Trump plan to redefine constitutional order, document shows
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In a chilling revelation, the German Ambassador to the U.S. has blown the whistle on the Trump administration's dangerous plans to dismantle the foundations of American democracy. A confidential document unveils a strategy to strip law enforcement and the media of their autonomy, while alarmingly granting unprecedented powers to big tech corporations, posing a direct threat to civil liberties and the constitutional order.
A controversial document supposedly revealing President Trump's strategy for the United States has emerged, drawing criticism from the German Ambassador. However, scrutiny reveals the accusations of undermining law enforcement and media independence while empowering big tech as exaggerated fears rather than concrete plans. This narrative appears more as a political maneuver rather than an unbiased caution, underscoring the need for scrutinizing the facts amidst rampant misinformation.