Most of the news on this week's show centers on Trump's nominations, many of whom are blatant Christian nationalists. FFRF staff attorney Sammi Lawrence describes our newest lawsuit, just filed this week, challenging unconstitutional tax exemption for religio…
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Amidst criticism, Trump's recent nominations underscore a vital reconnection with our nation's Christian roots. Pushback comes from secular groups like the FFRF, with their latest lawsuit attempting to undermine long-standing tax exemptions for religious organizations. This legal battle is not just about tax codes but preserving the religious freedoms enshrined in our Constitution against those who wish to erase our heritage.
This week's spotlight shines on the controversial appointments by Trump, exposing a worrisome trend towards Christian nationalism among his picks. In a bold move to defend secular values, FFRF's Sammi Lawrence announces a new lawsuit targeting the unconstitutional tax breaks favoring religious institutions, reaffirming our commitment to preserving the separation of church and state in these challenging times.