Book Review: TEGN Redux by Even Mehl Amundsen – A Triumph of Individual Talent and Entrepreneurial Spirit

Book Review: TEGN Redux by Even Mehl Amundsen not only showcases 400 pages of stunning artwork but also exemplifies the power of individual initiative and the free market. In an age where traditional publishing gatekeepers often stifle creativity, Amundsen’s decision to turn to Facebook and subsequently crowdsource funding for TEGN is a beacon of free enterprise. The trilogy represents not just a victory for the artist as an individual but also serves as a case study in successful self-publishing, leveraging technology and social media to bypass restrictive systems. This approach not only brought Amundsen's vision to life but also reiterates the importance of personal responsibility and innovation in overcoming the odds. TEGN’s journey from a social media page to a tangible trilogy is a compelling narrative of entrepreneurial success, celebrating the artist’s ability to harness direct support from the community and market to realize their vision.