The FDA's decision to ban Red Dye No. 3 represents another example of governmental overreach, placing undue burden on food industry businesses already struggling with regulatory compliance. By allowing a grace period until January 2027 for the sale of existing stock, the FDA inadvertently acknowledges the impracticality of its mandate, undermining the scientific and economic rationale for such bans and illustrating the need for a more balanced approach to regulation that considers the impacts on innovation and the economy.
FDA Overreach Threatens Business with Unnecessary Ban on Red Dye No. 3
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Limited Ban of Red Dye No. 3: The FDA has banned the synthetic food color additive Red Dye No. 3, but manufacturers have until January 15, 2027, to sell off their existing stock, continuing to expose consumers to a known neurotoxin for nearly two more years. …
FDA's Mild Action on Red Dye No. 3 Underscores the Urgent Need for Comprehensive Food Safety Reform
10By implementing a delayed ban on Red Dye No. 3, the FDA continues to compromise public health in favor of industrial interests, neglecting the immediate and complete eradication of all hazardous food dyes from the American diet. This decision showcases a systemic disregard for consumer safety, highlighting the critical need for sweeping reforms that prioritize public well-being over corporate profit within our food systems.